Scientific Research in Education LLC.
2459 SE 19th St. 33035. Homestead, Florida. USA. Contact us: 7862084963, 7862084440.
"For a higher quality in Education and Scientific Research".

Scientific Research in Education LLC.
2459 SE 19th St. 33035. Homestead, Florida. USA.
Contact us: 7862084963, 7862084440."For a higher quality in Education and Scientific Research".
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): 117492964 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes: 611310, 611430, 611630, 611691, 611710.Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) Code: 8QBJ0 SAM Registration - Valid.

PhD. José Sergio Puig Espinosa. MANAGER.

PhD. Maura de la Caridad Salabarría Roig. MANAGER.
Institutional Licences.
Miami-Dade County, State of Florida.

City of Homestead, State of Florida.

Scientific Research in Education LLC.
2459 SE 19th St. 33035. Homestead, Florida. USA.
Contact us: 7862084963, 7862084440.
Let us introduce ourselves.

Scientific Research in Education LLC.
Documents of legal constitution of the LLC.
1. State of Florida Department of State.
2. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service.
3. Electronic Articles of Organization for Florida LLC.
4. Division of Corporations.
You can consult documents at:
Florida Department of State. Division of Corporations.
Scientific Research in Education LLC offers the following services:
The nature of the business (LLC) is related to the following services:
1. Advising and tutoring of students for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral theses in areas of the scientific knowledge (More information).
2. Advising, tutoring, consultancy and training on any scientific research work (mainly but not limited to educational research activities), bibliographic search, oral and/or written presentations with ICT support, and any other type of academic or scientific research activity to be carried out by professionals, students, or any other person (More information).
3. Conducting of needs assessments, developing evaluation plans and research designs, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting results, and preparing conclusions, recommendations and reports (More information).
4. Advising for the preparation, writing and publication of scientific articles in national and international indexed doubled-blind peer-reviewed journals (More information).
5. Curricular design and redesign of courses, programs, and curricula for school institutions of any level of education and in any discipline and science that is needed, as well as pedagogical and educational models for said institutions (More information).
6. Evaluation and designing of courses related to training, updating, diplomas, and specialties, including programs of Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees to persons and public or private institutions (More information).
7. Designing and teaching of English and Spanish language courses for students, professionals, and/or any person and public or private institution (More information).
8. Use of an academic professional online video conference platform for the realization of the teaching-learning process of school institutions of all kinds, for the advising, tutoring and mentoring activities, and for online video professional conferences, which allows the safe exchange between all the subjects (professors, students, administrators, professionals) involved in this process of interaction and exchange of information. This platform provides a special additional link to EBSCOhost, the leading database provider for online research of scientific information (More information).
9. Inviting national and international professionals and experts in all areas of scientific knowledge to participate in scientific events (congresses, workshops, symposia, conventions, conferences, etc.), which are promoted and held nationally and internationally (More information).
10. Convening national and international scientific events (congresses, workshops, symposia, conventions, conferences, etc.) in the area of sciences (More information).
11. Hiring national and international professionals and experts in all areas of scientific knowledge to fulfill the activities and purposes of the LLC (More information).
12. Purchasing, selling, importing, and exporting teaching materials for the fulfillment of the activities and purposes of the LLC (More information).
13. Purchasing, selling, and leasing of furniture necessary for the fulfillment of the activities and purposes of the LLC (More information).
14. Hiring personnel for the fulfillment of the activities and purposes of the LLC (More information).
15. Notary Services. (Notaries offering servicies in Office, Online, and Mobile Notary). (American Association of Notaries) (American Society of Notaries) (More information).
16. Level 2 Background Chech (Live Scan Fingerprinting Service level 2 Security) pursuant to Florida State Statutes at Title XXXI, Chapter 435, Section 435.04, F.S. (More information).
17. Translation Services Spanish - English / English - Spanish.