Scientific Research in Education LLC. Other services. "For a higer quality in Education and Scientific Research".


9. Inviting national and international professionals and experts in all areas of scientific knowledge to participate in scientific events (congresses, workshops, symposia, conventions, conferences, etc.), which are promoted and held nationally and internationally.
If you need to establish contact with prominent professionals who contribute with their knowledge in various areas for conferences, congresses, consultancies, participation in research projects or other scientific and / or professional tasks, our specialists are experts in identifying and promoting this type of communication between people and institutions.
Contact us.

12. Purchasing, selling, importing, and exporting teaching materials for the fulfillment of the activities and purposes of the LLC.
15. Notary Services in Office, Online and Mobile Notary (More information).

10. Convening national and international scientific events (congresses, workshops, symposia, conventions, conferences, etc.) in the area of sciences.
We organize the scientific exchange in your institution or company, we promote the topics that are of interest to you, we identify people who may be interested in them, we plan and develop the plan of activities, we generate the memories of the event according to your interests, and we guarantee the publication of their work in an international prestigious Journal Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. Contact us.

13. Purchasing, selling, and leasing of furniture necessary for the fulfillment of the activities and purposes of the LLC.

16. Level 2 Background Check (Live Scan Fingerprinting Service Level 2 Security) pursuant to Florida State Statutes at Title XXXI, Chapter 435, Section 435.04, F.S.

11. Hiring national and international professionals and experts in all areas of scientific knowledge to fulfill the activities and purposes of the LLC.
We guarantee qualified personnel to carry out the tasks of your institution, we have our own group of specialists, all with the scientific degree of Doctors in Specific Sciences, and we hire others that are necessary for the activity in which you are interested.
Contact us.