Scientific Research in Education LLC. Research Offer. "For a higher quality in Education and Scientific Research".


1. Advising and tutoring of students for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral theses in the areas of the scientific knowledge.
Take advantage of our skills and make them yours. If you are concluding your university studies, surely you need advice for the preparation of a thesis, where you demonstrate your skills for research, information search, and application of techniques to obtain data. We are a team of research professors, all Doctors in Specific Sciences, with experience in all those areas that you need and that for a long time we have been guiding research projects with successful results.
Contact us.

2. Advising, tutoring, consulting and training on any scientific research work (mainly but not limited to educational research activities), bibliographic search, presentations, oral and/or written presentations with ICT support, and any other type of academic or research activity to be carried out by professionals, students, or any other person.
Do you need to demonstrate your research skills to improve your position at the institution where you work? Are you trying to access a postgraduate degree and must present a research project? Have you identified possibilities to increase the resources for your organization through a competition to carry out a research project? We will help you achieve your purposes and achieve that goal. We are research advisors, with experience and skills to apply knowledge about research methodology.
Contact us.

3. Conducting of needs assessments, developing evaluation plans and research designs, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting results, and preparing conclusions, recommendations and reports.
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4. Advising for the preparation, writing and publication of scientific articles in national and international indexed doubled-blind peer-reviewed journals.
Our specialists provide you with advice in any of the information search processes, preparation, revision and structuring of the contents of your scientific article according to the discipline and science in which you want to make it. It will be an immense pleasure that you contact us to support you in publishing the knowledge results of your scientific production as a professor and researcher.
More Information.
Access Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores journal.
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5. Curricular design and redesign of courses, programs and curricula for school institutions of any level of education and in any discipline and science that is needed, as well as pedagogical and educational models for those institutions.
If the curricular contents that you teach to your students in programs and curricula of your institution, being at preschool, primary, secondary, pre-university and university level have 3 or more ready-made, then you need to update them to respond to the needs, interests and demands of students, society and the country. Our specialists, all doctors in specific sciences, can help you in the design and redesign of the contents of those programs that you offer, as well as in the teaching of those contents.
Contact us.

6. Evaluation and design of courses related to training, updating, diplomas and specialties, including programs of Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees to persons and public or private institutions.
The curricular contents that you teach to your students in the continuing education, courses or university careers of your institution need to respond to the needs, interests and demands of the students, society and the country. Our specialists, all doctors in specific sciences, can help you in the design and redesign of the contents of those study plans and programs that you offer, as well as in the delivery of those contents.
Contact us.

7. Designing and teaching of English and Spanish language courses for students, professionals, and/or any person and public or private institution
If you need to train and incorporate into society students, professionals or any other person with communication skills in foreign languages, be it English and/or Spanish, our specialists, all doctors in specific sciences (foreign language teaching), can help you in the design and redesign of language courses that you can offer, as well as in the teaching of that content.
Contact us.

8. Use of an academic professional online video conference platform for the realization of the teaching-learning process of school institutions of all kinds, for the advising, tutoring and mentoring activities, and for online video professional conferences, which allows the safe exchange between all the subjects (professors, students, administrators, professionals) involved in this process of interaction and exchange of information. This platform provides a special additional link to EBSCOhost, the leading database provider for online research of scientific information.